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Código de Ética.jpg__PID:819fff9a-f7c9-4dc2-aa36-1d5e9c60657a

Código de Ética

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Declaración Anticorrupción

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Establecimiento del Perfil y Descripcion de Puesto de Trabajo

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Leyes Nacionales e Internacionales

  To grow the leaves that will later become Matcha, layer of shape are added to the fields a month before cultivation, eventually blocking 90% of the sunlight.

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Política Anticorrupción

AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.

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Política de Diversidad e Inclusión

 After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.

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Política Anti Sobornos y Pagos Facilitadores

  To grow the leaves that will later become Matcha, layer of shape are added to the fields a month before cultivation, eventually blocking 90% of the sunlight.

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Política Comprobación de Gastos

 After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.

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Política Herramientas Complementarias

AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.

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Política de Adquisición de Bienes y Servicios 

 After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.

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Política Comprobación de Gastos

 After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.

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Política Comprobación de Gastos

 After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.